Friday, February 6, 2009

Training Day 2

The day started at 3AM. Not because of any mandatory exercise but because my body still isn’t used to the 12 hour time difference. My knuckles are oozing and sitting up to get out of bed wasn’t an option. I had to roll off of the side.

I puttered around tying to make sure all of my affairs are in order in the states until 7AM when the running session started. I can barely move my arms and my abs are screaming but I haven’t begun to really abuse my legs yet.

The camp boasts three kilometer to ten kilometer runs that range from long slow distance to mountain sprints. I roll the dice and hope for the lsd. The pace of the run started out frustratingly slow—at almost a shuffle. Since the run started at the camp, we started on a country road but soon ended up on the highway. Motorbikes and construction equipment tossed oppressive particulates into the air so I took off my shirt and tied it to my face.

Two of the trainers were leading the run. One would often run ahead to stop at a vendor and I couldn’t keep my body from lurching after them to pick up the pace. Even though I knew I was exhausted, it felt great to be good at something—even if it was running. We ended up on the 10K route and I sprinted the last kilometer.

My knuckles continued to ooze and my legs were racked with the wobblies so I passed on the Muay Thai training and headed again to the weights. Today’s exercises: back and lats. I suck at weight lifting and it’s about as interesting to do as it is to read about someone else doing. SO here's a photo of why I'm lifting and not punching.

Above is 'Ol Rightey
And this is the Death Bringer

After dry heaving a bit I had a protein shake and headed to Tony’s restaurant. I’m very paranoid about the food here because I’ve got no time to be sick. Back I the States I heard horror stories about what to and what not to eat. Don’t drink the water, don’t eat any produce washed in the water, peel all fruit, etc. But when your body craves something, it’s difficult to say no. I got a huge salad. We’ll see how that works out.

When I got back to my room I collapsed on my bed, skipped the afternoon workout and reflected on how surreal this whole experience is so far. As I hear the symphony of bag pounding and screaming outside my window I thought a little about the fighters I met at the restaurant. The mundane nature of what they have been doing for months had settled over them. Wake up, protein shake, train, protein shake with meal, nap, wake up, train, protein shake with meal, sleep…

I’m sure I’ll get to that point but for now everything is so new that I can’t get into a groove. I am unable to throw a single punch unthinkingly. I haven’t settled in enough to establish a regular poop schedule. Oh how I look forward to that.

The rest of the day and night I spent watching American made movies not good enough to be released in the States while my body pitied itself.

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