Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Training Day 18

It's hard to write about training. It's boring to read about and it puts an unnecessary mental strain on me to have to think about. Not having to articulate what I'm doing allows me get to a mental place where I can just go and do it. That being said, my eyeballs are swollen from a sparring session yesterday. I hate getting hit in the face but it's part of the game and I've been told many times that it's an acquired taste that I either have to develop or I have to leave. The training is rigorous, long and tedious but there's nothing I'd rather be doing. I worked out for 12 hours yesterday so I'm taking this morning off. Here's the rundown of the afternoon workout:

*30 min technique session-front kicks, low kicks and blocking
*20 min jumping rope and tire bounce
*Circle-run warm-up
*Wrap Hands
*Shadow box 1x5 minute round
*10 push ups
*Spar 3x5 minute rounds with 10 push ups between rounds
*Shadow box 1x5 minute round
*10 push ups
*Heavy bag full throttle 3x5 minute rounds with 10 push ups in between rounds
*Shadow box 1x 5 minute round
*10 push ups
*Pad work full throttle 3x 5 minute rounds with 10 push ups in between rounds
*Have stomach beaten with pad 20x
*Heavy bag, 100 kicks each leg
*Left front kick, left kick 100 times
*Left front kick, right kick 100 times
*300 calf dips (both legs)
*300 calf dips (right leg)
*300 calf dips (left leg)
*Circle up, pass heavy bag in circle 10 rounds, 10 push ups after touching heavy bag
*200 sit ups

And that was the last four hours of the day. That's all there is--training, sleeping, eating. 'Tis a wonderful life.

And on a local note, the PA athletic commission gave the go ahead for MMA coming to PA! It’s about time.

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